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User data policy

This policy describes how AMIGO ("the company" or "we") processes and protects the personal data of Amigo users.
The policy applies to both registered and unregistered users ("users" or "you"). The policy applies regardless of the device from which you use Amigo, and regardless of the communication channel through which you apply.

By providing us with personal data, you consent to their processing in accordance with this policy.

1. Definitions

Personal data - any information relating directly or indirectly to a specific or identifiable individual (subject of personal data).

Processing of personal data - the implementation of any actions or a set of actions in relation to personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, updating and modification, extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), blocking, deletion and destruction - as with or without the use of automated data processing tools.

2. What data do we process

We process personal and technical data.

You provide us with personal information when:

  • register on Amigo;

    use Amigo and company services;

    subscribe to mailing lists;

    participate in events, research and surveys;

    write or call us;

    communicate with other users;

    apply for vacancies in the Career section;

    exercise your rights and fulfill obligations on the basis of:

Your device automatically transmits technical data: information stored in cookies, information about the browser and its settings, the date and time of access to the Amigo, the addresses of the requested pages, actions on the website or in the application, technical characteristics of the device, IP address and etc.

More about cookies:

3. Why we process data

We process personal and technical data in order to:

  • provide you with the opportunity to use Amigo and the company's services: create a profile, post ads, pay for services, etc.;

  • ensure the stable operation and safety of Amigo, improve the user experience, quality of services and marketing activities of the company;

    prevent and suppress violations of the law, the Amigo Terms of Use and the service agreement;

    respond to your requests;

    fulfill the obligations provided for by law (for example, for accounting, tax reporting, answering requests from government agencies);

    send marketing messages about Amigo and our partners;

    organize your participation in events, research and surveys of the company and our partners;

and for other purposes with your consent.

4. Legal basis for processing

We process your personal data:

  • with your consent;

    for the conclusion, execution, amendment or termination of the contract - the Terms of Use of Amigo and the contract for the provision of services;

    to exercise the rights and legitimate interests of the company or third parties, if this does not violate your rights and freedoms;

    to fulfill the duties assigned to the company by law.

We do not process special categories of personal data. We do not process biometric personal data for identification purposes.

5. Transfer to Third Parties. Cross-border transfer

We may transfer personal data or entrust their processing to third parties. For example, if you ordered delivery to Amigo, we transfer your data to the delivery service.

We only transfer personal data to countries that provide adequate protection for it.

We will never share your data with spammers.

6. Amigo - an open source of data

Be responsible for posting information on the Internet. Any Internet user can see your ads, reviews and the public part of the profile by logging into Amigo.

The purpose for which users post data on Amigo is to establish contact with a potential buyer (client, employer) who is interested in concluding a deal on the ad. It is forbidden to process user data for any other purpose. You cannot call users to offer them your services. You cannot copy user data in order to post and store them on other services. You cannot use open data for scoring. All this is illegal.

7. Security

Responsible attitude to personal data is the standard of the company.

To protect personal data, we:

  • Published and published on the site a policy on user data. Approved local acts on the processing and protection of personal data. Employees review these documents on their first day at the company.

    A person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data has been appointed.

    We conduct trainings for employees on the topic of personal data.

    We regularly check the company's processes and documents for their compliance with the law.

  • We assess the risks and harm that we can cause if we violate the law on personal data. Based on the assessment, we select suitable measures to comply with the law.

    We apply legal, organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data.

In taking measures to protect personal data, we rely on:

  • legal requirements;

    the established level of protection of personal data;

    actual threats identified by the threat model;

    a basic set of protection measures established by regulatory legal acts for the appropriate level of security;

    risk-based approach when choosing optimal measures;

    priority of the legitimate interests of users.

8. Terms of processing

We stop processing your personal data:

  • upon expiration of the consent period or upon withdrawal of consent (if there are no other grounds for processing provided by law).

    You consent for 5 years from the date of deletion of your profile on Amigo. Another term may be provided in individual cases;

    upon achievement of the processing goals or if there is no need to achieve them (if there are no other grounds for processing provided for by law);

    when unlawful processing is detected, if it is impossible to ensure the lawfulness;

    upon liquidation of the company.

We are legally required to retain user information for a year after deleting a profile.

9. Contact us

To ask a question or withdraw consent to the processing of personal data, please contact support.

10. Policy change

We update the policy as needed. Check this page periodically: continuing to use Amigo after the policy has been changed, you are agreeing to be bound by the changes.